Saturday, November 14, 20099:26 PM
안녕하세요 !! ![]() Well Camellia is back to start again talking crap in her blog.btw,the major O is like bloody over! yes yes yes~ but guess what my thought of after o level will be FREEDOM for me but hell ITS NOT!!!.this few days i have been having sleepless night because of one particularr thing.its super pressurizing luhs.Seriously, i cant really promise about being committed because what happen if i say that "yes! i will be committed in it" but then later in the future i break my promise on being committed?.Now i seriously have to start a swar with my parents due to this.the next thing is, i seriously need moneymoneyMONEY!!!!.i want to buy alot of stuffs 2PM NEW ALBUM+SHINee NEW ALBUM+POSTERS+MY BABY BROTHER 25 BUCKS GIFT+NEED TO BUY PROM NIGHT DRESS+HEELS+KL TRIP+HELP MY PARENTS TO PAY $6 EVERY BLOODY MONTHS FOR THE MIO!. uuuuuuurrrrrgggggggghhhhhh!!!!!! DAMN FRUSTRATING LUHS~ pfft. i don't wanna talk bout this anymore luhs!. btw,guess what Onew will not be back for his performances yet cus his return is delayed.the doctors found out that he is still having a slight fever yesterday.haiss damn sad luhs, hopefully he will have a fast recovery and the other 3 members will not be affected with the swine flu. 2PM IS BACK but without jaebeom ): well yesterday went youtube to find their new video 'HEARTBEAT' and hell that video is damn nice luhs and quite touching though.all the 6 members hair changes, more longer hair signing off: CAMELLIA (: |
That Girl
cAmelliA jAng 카멜리아 인생은 항상 아름답습니다 I'm a SIMPLE girl who loved to be simple always and she is 18 this year.she was once a PERCUSSIONIST'S. She's a graduate from BOWEN SEC and was there as a prisoner for 5 years. She TOTALLY FELL INTO K-POP and all thanks to her friend. She is a super SHY SHY type of person and once she knows that person well, she will turn out to be super havoc and friendly.but once IDIOTIC PEOPLE start to BITCH about her SHE WILL DISLIKE AND CURSE THAT BLOODY PERSON TO DEATH. Well if you hate her, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE? SCRAM OFF-idiot Your Says
Her Music
Her Footprints
>>mi0??.PFFT~yesterday, friday went to eat lunch wit...
>>life is full of unexpected things~yesterday first ...
>>oooooooohhhhhhh.hari raya is like TOMORROW luhs. ...
>>hari raya cookies~ ...
>>maths paper twwoooooo~well paper two was much more...
>>ooooooHOLIDAYSareOVER!~oh man the september holida...
>>holidays~ lalalafinally finished watching SHINee n...
>>WAHLIAO!.maths paper 1 was damn damn DIIFICULT luh...
this is what i've been thinking...
>>TEACHER'S DAY~went to school feeling rather fresh ...
Her Peeps
AbigAil(:BMB(: brent(: chinmei(: darius(: eileen thng(: evelyn teo(: edmUnd(: fAkhrin(: fArAh(: g0u wei(: hayati(: hUiching[tr0mb0ne](: ivy kOh(: jessie kOh(: jingyi(: jajo(: julyy(: joel(: joleen(: Kak Lin(: mark(: meishan(: michelle(: meijia(: namira(: nadia(: nigel gOh(: sharz(: shAirAzi(: shAwn wOng(: teddy(: tAshryn(: tAshyrA(: yusran(: yee ching(: zhihUi(: zakiah(: Blogrolls (:
SHINee (:SHINee international forum (: ALLKPOP (: BIGBANG (: 2NE1 (: GIRLS' GENERATION (: SO NYUH SHI DAE international forum (: SUPERJUNIOR (: U-KISS (: KARA international forum (: 2PM (: ONEDAY international forum (: Credits
Kamsahamida ^^Blogger;Alison& Pamela Pictures;Flickr |