Wednesday, February 17, 20104:27 AM
finally i got a job! kekeke ![]() whoa, after so much time spent on hunting for jobs, i finally succeed in getting a part-time job! currently i'm working at city square mall at farrer park at timezone! pay wise for the first two weeks is 3.5o bucks but slowly my pay will increase up to 5 bucks and if i worked during public holidays the pay will rise up to 7 bucks!! DAEBAK!! kekeke by the way, a few days ago my lappy were attacked by some disgusting and naughty viruses!! and they make my lappy crashed and all my folders GONE!!!! my kpop songs and videos and lyrics and even pictures are all GONE!!! STUPID VIRUS. tsk! however, my lappy is ok now. i dont know what happen uhs, suddenly when i try to switched on my lappy, it works! ^-^ ouh yarhs!!! I BOUGHT A KOREAN LEARNING BOOK!!! i'm so happy!! and now, i'm on my way to learn to speak and write in korean!!! YEAH!! ^-^ p.s THAT SIMON CALLED ME EMO!! tsk! (hate him luhs!!) today when for work and at the end of my shift i felt like a did achieved something today and you there are no distractions that were bothering me( THE THING THAT DISTRACT ME IS SIMON!!) & I CANT WAIT TO SEE SHINee AGAIN!! MINHO OPPA SARANGHAE ♥ signing off: CAMELLIA (: |
That Girl
cAmelliA jAng 카멜리아 인생은 항상 아름답습니다 I'm a SIMPLE girl who loved to be simple always and she is 18 this year.she was once a PERCUSSIONIST'S. She's a graduate from BOWEN SEC and was there as a prisoner for 5 years. She TOTALLY FELL INTO K-POP and all thanks to her friend. She is a super SHY SHY type of person and once she knows that person well, she will turn out to be super havoc and friendly.but once IDIOTIC PEOPLE start to BITCH about her SHE WILL DISLIKE AND CURSE THAT BLOODY PERSON TO DEATH. Well if you hate her, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE? SCRAM OFF-idiot Your Says
Her Music
Her Footprints
>>SUPER HOT VIDEOS~its a must watch vidoes.kekeke!si...
>>2O10??? BAD OR GOOD??hhmm, i'm not sure. i find th...
>>TODAY SUCKS LIKE HELL!! i super super sad today. w...
>>results!Hmm, i seriously didNt do that well unlike...
>>Finally I'm Back From Chalet!Well, during my stay ...
>>위로 가기 오신 것을 환영합니다!Well, i'm back from my 7D6N AT K...
>>HAPPY BIRTHDAY 18th CHOI MIN HO!!!!!!!!. saeil chu...
Her Peeps
AbigAil(:BMB(: brent(: chinmei(: darius(: eileen thng(: evelyn teo(: edmUnd(: fAkhrin(: fArAh(: g0u wei(: hayati(: hUiching[tr0mb0ne](: ivy kOh(: jessie kOh(: jingyi(: jajo(: julyy(: joel(: joleen(: Kak Lin(: mark(: meishan(: michelle(: meijia(: namira(: nadia(: nigel gOh(: sharz(: shAirAzi(: shAwn wOng(: teddy(: tAshryn(: tAshyrA(: yusran(: yee ching(: zhihUi(: zakiah(: Blogrolls (:
SHINee (:SHINee international forum (: ALLKPOP (: BIGBANG (: 2NE1 (: GIRLS' GENERATION (: SO NYUH SHI DAE international forum (: SUPERJUNIOR (: U-KISS (: KARA international forum (: 2PM (: ONEDAY international forum (: Credits
Kamsahamida ^^Blogger;Alison& Pamela Pictures;Flickr |