Friday, July 23, 20108:33 AM
tired cum angry cum happy cum irritated~ I was not that late today! Came around 5 minutes late? lol~ Actually I can make it on time one lorhs. But because of some reason I was a little bit late. Want to know whats the reason why? Ouhkay, I'll tell you why. I was totally prepare for school. My bag was packed, my hair was nicely done, my face is done covered with astringent lotion and my room is neatly packed. So I went to the kitchen to get a sip of water and then I passed my toilet and turn to looked at the mirror which is in the toilet but then I was distracted b y the toilet flooring. The entire place was covered with bubbles and soap. So being a kind daughter, I took my own initiative to clean the floor. So, I turn the tap on and suddenly, the hose when crazy and I WAS FULLY WET! -________- thanks u hs! Luckily my mum is there to save me!! So she quickly help me iron a new set of uniform! THANK YOU :D As I reached the 6th floor, guess who I saw? THAT ASSHOLE AGAIN! pfft~ early in the morning already make me super pissed off! uurrrggghhh~ Today experiment was 'WHAT THE HECK'. LOL~ I didnt do anything for today's experiment. Firstly I was busy chatting with Ms Lim! Ouh yarhs! SHE KNOWS REGARDING THAT ASSHOLE LERHS! and she knows that he is a flirt! She told me alot about that idiot! I was shocked! She e ven know who he is flirting with and blah blah blah! whoa! Then after finish talking to Ms Lim, went over to Nil's and chit-chat with her and as usual, we talk about "......................." kekekekeke~ (cannot post it here :D) then later had fun talking with that idiotic shawn goh! funny luhs he, seriously! and yes! you know what shawn says about that asshole? he says "SIAL LUHS! THE FACE UHS, MAKE ME FEEL LIKE GIVING HIM A BIG TIGHT SLAP SIA!" then elaine extra and add in "IF ME! I WANT TO CUT HIS PENIS!" rofl! they both seriously make me laugh non-stop! But practical lesson for to day was extremely FUN!! I LIKE~ (: some random photos! funny and cute!! i like :D ![]() ![]() ![]() After lesson went to our locker and wah!!! make me feel irritated! SAW THAT ASSHOLE AGAIN!!! but this time round his friend smile at me! So, I smile at his friend and when I walked passed him, I just rolled my eyes! uuurrrrggghhh~ irritated sia! I was in a super happy mood but damn that asshole spoilt it AGAIN! I feel like killing you luhs sia! Went down to eat at the Lunch Hideout! And GOSH! the food is super expensive luhs! i spent like $6.50 for my lunch! -______- sheesh~ then after we had our lunch we went to level 4 and slack there and was trying very hard to recap for our AC retest later but then nothing went in my head! Then at 2.30pm the lecture was opened and we enter the room to take our retest! I sat behind "INSERT NAME HERE" and I even asked him question lerhs! Come on Camellia! If you do not want to make the whole class know about this, you have to act normally!! cannot be awkward and you must have the courage to talk to him!! cannot shy shy one lerhs! I WILL DO MY BEST!! *wink* And thanks for sharing your answer hors! kekekekeke~ After the test, me and nil went for our korean class! LOL! saw that lookalike JONGHYUN AND YONGHWA! he wore home clothes today!! He looked super korean luhs~ teehee:D today class was quite boring actually! ouh yarhs, forget!! before we went for our korean class, we went down to the field area because we were distracted by the sounds of drums and I was super excited when I hear the rhythm ( remembering the times when me and the percussion section played at the parade square or hall or field or even the school canteen). AND GUESS WHO I SAW??? SYARIF!!!!!! MY SENIOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAS! I missed him alot!! I still remember he once scolded me because I played the rhythm wrongly and I was severely punished by him! hahahas(: those times! and I'm thankful that he still remember me!! yeah (: After Korean class was over. Took bus service 72 to meet nadia and friends to slack at hougang point but then...changed of plan! DANCE PRACTICE TIME! ouh great~ Although today was tiring but it was fun though! We manage to dance 'I, MY, ME, MINE' by 4MINUTE!! yeah!!! was super happy! and i totally like the moves!!! ouh yes yes!! MY EYES WERE MOLESTED BY SUFFY'S BUTT!!! ouh gosh!! thanks to nadia, when she screamed in the middle of the practice, I turned and I just find my eyes were molested! wagagagagagagaX~ and nadia you must be crazy that you want to have the same hair as TAEMIN! hhhmmm~ it will take 5 years for you to get your hair to grow longer! hahhahahahahas(: then went back home at 2230! home sweet home! signing off: CAMELLIA JANG (: |
That Girl
cAmelliA jAng 카멜리아 인생은 항상 아름답습니다 I'm a SIMPLE girl who loved to be simple always and she is 18 this year.she was once a PERCUSSIONIST'S. She's a graduate from BOWEN SEC and was there as a prisoner for 5 years. She TOTALLY FELL INTO K-POP and all thanks to her friend. She is a super SHY SHY type of person and once she knows that person well, she will turn out to be super havoc and friendly.but once IDIOTIC PEOPLE start to BITCH about her SHE WILL DISLIKE AND CURSE THAT BLOODY PERSON TO DEATH. Well if you hate her, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE? SCRAM OFF-idiot Your Says
Her Music
Her Footprints
>>Was 30 minutes late for IC lecture but this time r...
>>The past~Was late for IC lecture! Not my fault thi...
>>MONDAY!!!!!Met up with Nil at 1130am at tampines i...
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Her Peeps
AbigAil(:BMB(: brent(: chinmei(: darius(: eileen thng(: evelyn teo(: edmUnd(: fAkhrin(: fArAh(: g0u wei(: hayati(: hUiching[tr0mb0ne](: ivy kOh(: jessie kOh(: jingyi(: jajo(: julyy(: joel(: joleen(: Kak Lin(: mark(: meishan(: michelle(: meijia(: namira(: nadia(: nigel gOh(: sharz(: shAirAzi(: shAwn wOng(: teddy(: tAshryn(: tAshyrA(: yusran(: yee ching(: zhihUi(: zakiah(: Blogrolls (:
SHINee (:SHINee international forum (: ALLKPOP (: BIGBANG (: 2NE1 (: GIRLS' GENERATION (: SO NYUH SHI DAE international forum (: SUPERJUNIOR (: U-KISS (: KARA international forum (: 2PM (: ONEDAY international forum (: Credits
Kamsahamida ^^Blogger;Alison& Pamela Pictures;Flickr |