Saturday, June 26, 201010:18 AM
KPOP MADNESS~ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() On the 24th June, i met up with fajrina ealry in the morning at 8+ am. We went to suffy's house to get the album and we head down to mediacorp caldecott road for B2ST showcase. We thought we might get the first 100th seats but sadly we get the 567th position onwards! But its ok! Well, the waiting period before the fans are allowed in the studio was super hectic and BUTT PAINED! seriously! we waited for about 7 hours! then at 7+pm we were ushered down to the studio for the showcase(and also recording for ENTERTAINMENT ON 5). The performance by the boys were SUPERB AWESOME!!!! but there also times where i cried! you want to know why?? THE REASON IS.... DURING THE OASIS PERFORMANCE, A RANDOM FAN GIRL WHO WERE SEATED AT THE FIRST ROW WHICH WAS SUPER NEAR TO THE STAGE WERE INVITED DIRECTLY BY HYUNSEUNG OPPA! AND BROUGHT HER UP TO THE STAGE AND GET SO UPCLOSE WITH THE BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH! HONESTLY THAT GIRL IS SERIOUSLY A FUCKING ASSHOLE BITCH!! HATE HER FOR LIFE AND I'M CURSING HER GET HER DEATH AT AN EALRY AGE! BITCH! Therefore the showcase was awesome and yet tearful! Reached home at 11+pm and was busy preparing myself for the next day, which is the fan signing! * i didnt sleep the whole night, because i'm super nervous and also worried! scared that the event will be chaotic as SHINee's fansigning! After I dressed and readied for the fan signing, i rushed down to zakiah's house to get the album for the fan signing! and then i went all the way down to jurong to meet fajrina. On that day the wheather wasn't that great! The rain was pouring non-stop and thus it was super super heavy and the road was flooded! haiss and thus me and faj were drained by the rain in search for the shuttle bus but in the end we manage to get a cab to reach our destination which is to IMM Jurong! We dried ourselves and get ourselves breakfast at LJS after we reached IMM! and we then we went around to get information on how to get our queue number for the fan signed. after much asking around we manage to get our number(which is unofficial), then we waited outside Espirit for the queue to start. Hmmmmm~ actually hors, there's alot of things that happened during the period of awaitance but the story too long for me to spill it out here. So i abiding it! LOL! mian~ so the story goes on on on on on on on, blah blah blah! and in the end, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE I MANAGE TO GET AN AUTOGRAPGH BY MY FAVOURITE KOREAN GROUP! AND ITS NOT ONLY ONE MEMBER BUT I GOT THE SIX OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~ gosh, seriously it was madness honestly! p.s i gave my doo joon oppa a special gift * wink* so that is how the story ends! A HAPPY ENDING INDEED! ^ ^ *damn luhs! a little crush on that "jangwooyoung"* OUH YES!! I ALMOST FORGET! OK, LISTEN UP READERS. I'M SELLING BEAST 'SHOCK OF THE ERA' ALBUM! I HAVE ONE EXTRA ALBUM, SO TO KPOP LOVERS OUT THERE, IF YOU WANT TO OWN THIS ALBUM PLEASE CONTACT ME OR TEXT ME AT 98405709. WELL, I'M SELLING IT AT $22.00! signing off: CAMELLIA JANG (: |
That Girl
cAmelliA jAng 카멜리아 인생은 항상 아름답습니다 I'm a SIMPLE girl who loved to be simple always and she is 18 this year.she was once a PERCUSSIONIST'S. She's a graduate from BOWEN SEC and was there as a prisoner for 5 years. She TOTALLY FELL INTO K-POP and all thanks to her friend. She is a super SHY SHY type of person and once she knows that person well, she will turn out to be super havoc and friendly.but once IDIOTIC PEOPLE start to BITCH about her SHE WILL DISLIKE AND CURSE THAT BLOODY PERSON TO DEATH. Well if you hate her, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE? SCRAM OFF-idiot Your Says
Her Music
Her Footprints
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Her Peeps
AbigAil(:BMB(: brent(: chinmei(: darius(: eileen thng(: evelyn teo(: edmUnd(: fAkhrin(: fArAh(: g0u wei(: hayati(: hUiching[tr0mb0ne](: ivy kOh(: jessie kOh(: jingyi(: jajo(: julyy(: joel(: joleen(: Kak Lin(: mark(: meishan(: michelle(: meijia(: namira(: nadia(: nigel gOh(: sharz(: shAirAzi(: shAwn wOng(: teddy(: tAshryn(: tAshyrA(: yusran(: yee ching(: zhihUi(: zakiah(: Blogrolls (:
SHINee (:SHINee international forum (: ALLKPOP (: BIGBANG (: 2NE1 (: GIRLS' GENERATION (: SO NYUH SHI DAE international forum (: SUPERJUNIOR (: U-KISS (: KARA international forum (: 2PM (: ONEDAY international forum (: Credits
Kamsahamida ^^Blogger;Alison& Pamela Pictures;Flickr |